
Stephen’s sixth solo release Open is a significant milestone in his artistic journey. Featuring ten new original tracks, this new album is invitation for self-discovery and self-growth for all listeners.


Ten more original compositions, evoking the nostalgia and beauty of the autumnal season.


A compilation of ten improvisations on well-loved holiday classics, a must-have for your holiday collection.


A continuation of Stephen’s first album Chapters, his new album Stories brings hope and a chance to unplug for a brief moment. With a tone of gratitude, this new album of ten original tracks provides the space to reflect and appreciate all that we have to be grateful for, even in the midst of our crazy world.


Featuring ten original compositions, Chapters is forceful, energetic, confident and passionate. The songs capture moments in Wallack’s life that were important and impactful, stories from his experiences as a son, friend, husband and father. His debut album spotlights his powerful, energetic, cinematic style of composing and performing music that is full of passion, strong rhythms and heartfelt melodies.

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